Pancake Breakfast

The Pancake Breakfast is this Sunday, June 10th, in the St. Ann Parish Hall. We need more scouts and parent volunteers to make this a success!
Click this link  to sign up for a slot, or contact Nancy Walker (Jack’s mom) and she will put you on the list.
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Spring Court of Honor

Spring Court of Honor is 6:00 pm on Sunday, June 10!   The Court of Honor will take place at the fire circle in Lacey Woods Park.  Please try to be there, and bring your families!   The food will be potluck, so start planning something delicious to bring for dinner!

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Sinoquipe Merit Badge Schedules Due!

Sinoquipe is only four weeks away!  If you have not given your list of the courses and badges you want to work on during the week to Mr. Knight, please do so as soon as possible!  Email him at .   The master schedule and the time each badge is offered can be found here.

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