Sinoquipe Summer Camp – 2018

Summer Camp is July 1-7, 2018

The troop will return to Sinoquipe Scout Reservation.

2018 Sinoquipe Leaders Guide. Please review it carefully with your favorite Scout(s).

Please note the following:

- we need to hear from you by our next troop meeting on 17 April if your Scout(s) will be going to Sinoquipe so we can make the necessary reservations and qualify to schedule the Merit Badge classes online

- the fee is $395/Scout ($375 camp fee + $20 troop fee for misc items such as ice, supplies, Friday dinner items, etc.) - check with Mary Glasscock to apply the funds in your Scout's(s') Scout Account. Otherwise mail your checks to Mary at 2439 Jackson Pkwy
Vienna, VA 22180 - Mark the envelope "Sinoquipe" so it doesn't get mixed up with other mail.

- we need 5 full time equivalent adults to attend Camp - the Troop pays the adult fees of $175 however we do not turn down donations from attending adults either!

- first year Scouts should take advantage of the Lakusin Program on page 22 - where they are trained in the Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class rank requirements to later be tested and passed by their Patrol Leaders in our campsite

- check the Merit Badge schedule (pg. 23-28 & 31) and pay attention to the prerequisite requirements to ensure each can be completed at camp - I need the following information: name, date of birth, rank, Merit Badge selection and timeslot - please send them directly to me at

- complete the BSA medical form

- review page 9 personal equipment list and what NOT to bring (page 15) - T624 adults will have cell phones but Scouts need to leave theirs at home

- all attending adults (we need 5 full time equivalent adult) need to take the Youth Protection Training (see - please contact me directly ( if you can attend all week or a portion of the week

This is our 28th summer camp at Sinoquipe. It's a wonderful camp in which to be a Scout and do Scout things.

Don't hesitate to contact me with your questions. YiS, Ted

Sinoquipe Boy Scout Resident Camp Web Site

See Sinoquipe Summer 2018 for more information.

All Sinoquipe Informational Camp Guides can be found here -

Leader's Guide -

Parent's Guide -

SPL Guide -


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